Will My Sciatica Go Away on Its Own?

Feb 13, 2024
Will My Sciatica Go Away on Its Own?
Conservative care is typically enough to alleviate sciatica, but is treatment really necessary? Here’s what you can expect for the future of your sciatic nerve pain.

For many people with sciatica, it feels like an electrical shock down the leg. The radiating pain originates in your sciatic nerve root, which is the largest nerve in your body. Sciatica happens when the root of this nerve in your lumbar spine gets compressed, with impingement from herniated discs topping the list of common causes. 

Age-related changes in your spine and other factors like obesity, poor posture, and prolonged sitting can increase your risk of experiencing sciatica. As uncomfortable as the issue may be, the good news is that sciatica often resolves on its own. With rest and time, you may not need professional sciatica care at all. 

With a lifetime incidence of 10-40%, sciatica is far from uncommon. Still, deciding what to do about it can be challenging if you’ve never had it before. Interventional pain management specialists Haddis Hagos, MD, and Brent Earls, MD, provide quality care with a multidisciplinary approach to treat sciatica and accompanying symptoms like low back pain.  

Your sciatica might improve or go away before you need medical care. Let’s look at your next steps on what to do about sciatica and when to consider treatment. 

Home care to ease sciatica

Most people find some relief from sciatica with simple home care measures. Moderate rest may calm your sciatic nerve, but too much rest or inactivity can make the problem worse. Try to find a balance between resting, mild stretching, and light exercise as you wait for your back to heal. 

Other home care strategies to try for sciatica include:

  • Heat therapy
  • Cold packs
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Slow, intentional stretching

If your discomfort continues, alternate heat and cold using heat lamps, hot towels, ice packs, or frozen peas. Always wrap an ice pack or frozen package in a towel before applying it to your skin. 

When to pursue medical care

Here at Pain Management Associates LLC, we welcome you to visit for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment consultation when sciatica continues beyond home care. You should also call our office if the pain gets worse or if the affected leg becomes numb or weak. 

Our experts specialize in treatments that alleviate sciatica and other pain originating in the spine. After reviewing your medical history and completing a physical exam, our recommendations might include:

  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Nerve blocks
  • Spinal cord stimulation
  • Kyphoplasty (for compression fracture causing sciatica)
  • Minimally invasive lumbar spinal decompression (MILD®)

Noninvasive and minimally invasive options like these may help you avoid surgery, though spinal stenosis rarely requires surgical intervention. 

Preventing sciatica in the future

Whether your sciatica has improved or you’ve never had it before, following these preventive steps could help you avoid it in the future:

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps keep your muscles strong and can help prevent a plethora of injuries. To prevent sciatica specifically, strengthen your core muscles in your abdomen and lower back. 


Work on your posture

It’s easy to fall into the habit of slouching, especially if you sit in one position all day while you work. Improving your posture could save you from back pain, sciatica, and other complications involving your spine in the future. Additionally, if your job requires a lot of sitting, be sure to take breaks to stand up and walk around during the day. 

If your sciatica doesn’t improve with time and home care, it’s time for professional intervention. Call Pain Management Associates LLC or schedule an appointment online for quality pain management care today.