
Pain Management & Anesthesiologist in Greenbelt, MD
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Arthritis services offered in Greenbelt, MD

When arthritis affects the joints you rely on daily, like your knees, hips, or shoulders, it’s time to get expert help at Pain Management Associates LLC in Greenbelt, Maryland. Haddis T. Hagos, MD, DABA, DABA-PM, and the team specialize in treating arthritis that affects large joints and the spine. They offer many treatment options to help you get relief from your arthritis pain. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Arthritis + Q&A

Arthritis causes inflammation, pain, and stiffness in a joint that affects its use. You can develop arthritis in any joint in the body. The team at Pain Management Associates LLC specializes in treating arthritis that affects the spine and large joints like the hips, knees, ankles, and shoulders.

What are the types of arthritis?

There are many types of arthritis. Some of the common types that affect the large joints and spine include:


Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD), is the most common type of arthritis. It occurs from the gradual wearing away of the cartilage that separates the bones in a joint. 

Osteoarthritis may affect any joint in the body, but it’s more common in weight-bearing joints like the knees, hips, and spine. Pain Management Associates LLC specializes in treating degenerative spinal arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

RA is an autoimmune condition in which your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy cells in a joint, causing inflammation and pain. RA usually affects small joints but can affect the cervical spine (neck).


Spondyloarthritis refers to inflammatory conditions that affect the spine’s joints and connective tissue (ligaments and tendons). 

When should I seek pain management for arthritis?

You should seek pain management services for your arthritis at Pain Management Associates LLC as soon as you have joint pain and inflammation. Pain management is the primary treatment for arthritis, and early care may prevent or delay the need for surgical intervention.

The team conducts a thorough evaluation to fully understand your lifestyle so they can create a plan that reduces your arthritis pain, allowing you to continue to do the things you love. 

They review your symptoms and the activities that make them worse, then conduct a physical exam. The team may request lab work and imaging studies to confirm the cause of your joint pain.

What are some treatments for arthritis?

The team at Pain Management Associates LLC customizes your arthritis treatment plan based on the location and severity of symptoms and disease. Treatment for your arthritis might include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Activity modification
  • Orthotics or braces
  • Medication management
  • Joint injections
  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Facet joint injections
  • Nerve blocks
  • Hyaluronic acid gel injections for knee osteoarthritis

When medical treatments no longer relieve your arthritis pain, the team may refer you to a surgeon to discuss surgical options.

Get help for your arthritis by calling Pain Management Associates LLC or scheduling a consultation online today.